Professionally Framed Oil Painting Stretched on artist canvas, it measures 16" x 20" unframed and approx. 21" x 25" framed. Gorgeous custom made frame included. All are custom frames are made here in the USA at our facility in Southern California. We specialize in the custom framing of art and objects in our large warehouse store and hand select a special frame to harmonize with each individual oil painting we sell on eBay. We have been a major resource in the decorative art industry for 17 yrs. The day you receive your framed oil painting it's ready to hang. Each framed piece of artwork has a professionally mounted dust cover, picture frame wire attached to sturdy supports, a wall hook and protective wall bumpers. We guarantee safe delivery - and complete satisfaction. Also, FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the USA for buy it now items. Visit our eBay Store - Wall Decor Superstore - to shop for additional eBay product offers.