Title: "Rose” Size: 12x16 Materials: Oil on canvas Each Emiliya Lane's paintings is unique in its own way. 100% Original hand painted at pieces have paint applications varies from thin, smooth, blended areas to thicker, impasto like strokes with and variation of color. From the brightest of hues to more realistic tints and shades, each of Emiliya's paintings is based on her feeling and vision of the day. This unique composition of small crimson and blue fruits in the bucket rests on a bluish grey background. The sides of the canvas are painted to match, so this painting can be hung without a frame. Emiliya's initials are signed in the bottom corner with her full signature on the side. All Rights Reserved by the artist. Images in this shop are not to be copied, reproduced or used in any way without the consent. Emiliya Lane is a multiple award winning artist. She is teaching painting and exhibiting full time in beautiful PNW . Russian born and trained, Emiliya held MFA and MBA from Ural State University in painting, drawing and art history